Reality Rating

Space < > Space Transportation

Space < > Space Transportation

This is the eighth installment of our  SpaceFund Reality (SFR) rating.  The focus of this SFR is a sub-sector of the Transportation category, specifically space to space transportation. In this category, the other sub-sectors being tracked by SpaceFund are Earth < > Space (launch), Space < > Other Worlds (landers), and Planetary Surface (rovers). The in-space transportation sub-sector has seen rapid growth in recent years as more and more satellites are being launched, many of them requiring access to unique orbits or wishing to extend their operational lifetimes with on board propulsion. Along with tow trucks, tugboats, or long-haul Solar System level transports, new space to space  transportation businesses are the precursors of what we believe will become one of the major legs of space industrial development.

To paraphrase the great Robert Heinlein: “A hundred miles up and you’re halfway to anywhere.” Note the term “halfway.” Once SpaceX’s  Starship, Blue Origin’s New Glenn, Rocket Lab’s Neutron, Radian’s spaceplane, or another spaceship gets you out of Earth’s gravity well, you may need another ride to get you to your final destination. Whether your payload is a satellite, a probe, or humans, efficiently moving things around in space is one of the next significant challenges for us to open the Frontier.

There are two tables below: the first shows the companies tackling in-space propulsion, while the second shows companies building spacecraft and deployment capabilities for in-space transportation. Each company is assigned an SFR rating based on our analysis, publicly available data, and expert insights.

If you haven’t already, please consult our SpaceFund Reality (SFR) ratings page to learn more about the rating, its purpose, and the underlying formula, as well as to view a complete list of the SpaceFund sectors of interest. 

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Important Note (Companies not Products): This database, and the SpaceFund Reality ratings, are based on COMPANIES, not specific products or technologies. 


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Updates will be published as new information becomes available.  

SpaceFund Reality (SFR) Rating

Space < > Space Transportation Database

 Last Update: 12 October 2022 

In-Space Propulsion

wdt_ID Company SFR Category Technology Propellant Funding ($M) ISP (s) Thrust (N) T:P Ratio (mN/kW) Specific Thrust (N/kg) Country HQ Location Description
233 Aerojet Rocketdyne 9 Chemical; Electric Arcjet; Gridded Ion; Hall Effect; Liquid (Bi-Propellant); Liquid (Monoprop) Various Public 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA El Segundo, CA Leader in technologies such as electric propulsion, traditional chemical thrusters, and thrusters using non-toxic propellants
230 ArianeGroup 9 Chemical; Electric Gridded Ion; Liquid (Bi-Propellant), Liquid (Monoprop) Hydrazine, MMH + MON-1; Xenon Joint Venture 3,500.00 0.17 68.40 0.00 France Paris Developing high-performance propulsion solutions for satellites and other spacecraft
229 Astra 9 Electric Hall Effect Krypton, Xenon Public 1,800.00 0.06 41.38 0.01 United States Alameda, CA Developing the ASE family of Hall effect propulsion systems
235 Bradford 9 Chemical; Electric Liquid (Monoprop); Resistojet LMP-103S; Water - 185.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 Netherlands Heerle Developing and manufacturing satellite propulsion sub-systems and components
236 Busek 9 Chemical; Electric Electrospray; Hall Effect; Liquid (Monoprop); Plasma; Resistojet Various - 3,060.00 0.45 0.00 0.02 USA Natick, MA Engaged in applied research, hardware development and speciality manufacturing in space propulsion
237 Dawn Aerospace 9 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) Nitrous + Propene - 285.00 20.00 714.29 32.79 New Zealand Christchurch Developing customized propulsion systems for small satellites and cubesats
238 IHI Aerospace 9 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant), Liquid (Monoprop) Hydrazine, MMH + MON-3 - 329.00 450.00 0.00 0.00 Japan Tokyo Manufacturing monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters for spacecraft
239 L3 Harris 9 Electric Gridded Ion Xenon Public 3,550.00 0.17 29.41 0.01 USA Torrance, CA A world leader in the development and production of Xenon Ion Propulsion Systems (XIPS)
240 Benchmark Space Systems 8 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) HTP + Butane 4.64 320.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 USA Burlington, VT Offering scalable thruster designs with additively manufactured core components
241 NanoAvionics 8 Chemical Liquid (Monoprop) Ammonium Dinitramide - 213.00 1.00 0.00 0.83 USA Midland, TX Offering a high-performance and environment-friendly CubeSat propulsion system
242 Accion Systems 7 Electric Electrospray Ionic liquid salt 65.5 1,650.00 0.00 22.50 0.00 USA Boston, MA Pioneering scalable electric propulsion technology to transform what spacecraft can do in and beyond Earth's orbit
243 Enpulsion 7 Electric FEEP Indium 1.4 6,000.00 0.00 11.25 0.00 Austria Wiener Neustadt Developing high-performance electric propulsion technology
244 Exotrail 7 Electric Hall Effect Xenon 20.11 1,000.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 France Palaiseau Providing advanced electric propulsion solutions for small satellites
245 Pale Blue 7 Electric Plasma, Resistojet Water 4.94 968.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 Japan Kashiwa Introducing a way to power spacecraft using the world's safest and most abundant element, water
246 Phase Four 7 Electric Plasma Xenon 46 800.00 0.01 20.00 0.00 USA El Segundo, CA Developing innovative, cost effective plasma propulsion technology
247 Sierra Space 7 Chemical Hybrid (Hypergolic) - 1400 0.00 4,450.00 0.00 0.00 USA Louisville, CO Developing the VORTEX engines for in-space orbit transfer and maneuvering
248 Stellar Exploration 7 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant); Liquid (Monoprop) Hydrazine + NTO - 300.00 5.00 0.00 0.03 USA San Luis Obispo, CA Developing systems for missions with demanding propulsion requirements
249 Tethers Unlimited 7 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) LOX + LH2 - 310.00 1.20 48,000.00 0.44 USA Bothell, WA Offering the modular and scalable HYDROS thruster system
250 AGILE Space Industries 6 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) MMH + MON25 4.83 303.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 USA Durango, CO Tailoring bespoke propulsion solutions based on customer mission requirements
251 ExoTerra 6 Electric Hall Effect Krypton, Xenon 1.5 1,500.00 0.03 0.00 0.05 USA Littleton, CO Developing affordable, high-efficiency propulsion technologies
252 Hyperion Technologies (AAC Clyde Space) 6 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) Nitrous + Propene - 285.00 0.50 41,666.67 0.35 Netherlands Delft Offering high thrust propulsion capabilities for cubesat platforms
253 Mars Space 6 Electric Gridded Ion; Plasma; Resistojet Xenon - 80.00 0.20 0.00 0.80 United Kingdom Southampton, England Providing innovative solutions in space and plasma technology
254 Morpheus Space 6 Electric FEEP Gallium 28 8,500.00 0.00 6.32 0.00 Germany Dresden Offering groundbreaking spacecraft electric propulsion systems
255 Orbion 6 Electric Hall Effect Xenon 30.56 1,370.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 USA Houghton, MI Building high-performance Hall-effect propulsion systems to power small satellites
256 ThrustMe 6 Electric Gridded Ion Iodine 2 2,400.00 0.00 16.92 0.00 France Verrieres le Buisson Offering a portfolio of high-end space propulsion systems
257 AVS 5 Electric Electrospray; Plasma Krypton, Xenon 1 7,500.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 Spain Elgoibar Developing bespoke propulsion solutions for space applications
258 Digital Solid State Propulsion 5 Chemical Solid Motor AP/HTPB - 235.00 187.00 0.00 406.96 USA Reno, NV Offering the CDM-1 motor for single delta-V maneuvers
259 Flight Control Propulsion 5 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) NTD + UDMH - 316.00 2,450.00 0.00 0.00 Ukraine Dnipro Building well-proven space technologies to provide affordable and reliable in-space transportation
260 Frontier Aerospace 5 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Simi Valley, CA Providing innovative, low-cost liquid propulsion technologies to make in-space transportation a reality
261 General Atomics 5 Nuclear NTP - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA San Diego, CA Developing nuclear propulsion systems as part of DARPA's DRACO program
262 Impulse Space Propulsion 5 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) Nitrous + Ethane 30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Long Beach, CA Providing agile, economical capabilities to access any orbit
263 Parabilis Space Technologies 5 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) LOX + Methane - 0.00 885.00 0.00 0.00 USA San Marcos, CA Building solutions for satellite and simple propulsion
264 T4i 5 Electric Plasma Iodine - 650.00 0.00 10.83 0.00 Italy Padua Developing innovative engines to serve small satellite platforms
265 URA Thrusters 5 Chemical; Electric Liquid (Bi-Propellant); Plasma Water 1.5 320.00 2.00 0.00 0.07 United Kingdom Aylesbury Providing water-based propulsion solutions for all types of spacecraft and mission needs
266 Ad Astra Rocket Company 4 Electric Plasma Argon - 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Webster, TX Developing an advanced plasma propulsion system for the emerging in-space transportation market
267 Aurora 4 Electric Resistojet Water 2 100.00 0.00 200.00 0.01 Finland Espoo Creating scalable solutions for small spacecraft movement and lifecycle control
268 Bellatrix Aerospace 4 Electric Hall Effect Xenon 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 India Bangalore Developing advanced electric propulsion systems for satellites
269 LMO 4 Chemical Chemical - - 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Luxembourg Esch-Belval Developing precision maneuvering technologies for in-space operations
270 Magdrive 4 Electric Plasma Solid metal 1.99 5,000.00 0.10 0.00 0.13 United Kingdom Didcot, England Developing a revolutionary plasma thruster for the new space age
271 Neutron Star Systems 4 Electric Plasma Argon, Ammonia, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Lithium 0.47 8,000.00 50.00 50.00 0.07 Germany Cologne Commercializing a unique and first-of-its-kind high-temperature superconductor-based applied-field magnetoplasmadynamic propulsion system
272 SETS 4 Electric Hall Effect Xenon - 1,850.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 Ukraine Dnipro Developing electric propulsion systems for spacecraft
273 SteamJet Space Systems 4 Electric Resistojet Water - 163.00 0.01 300.00 0.01 United Kingdom Ashford, England Developing safe, compact, and affordabe water-based propulsion systems
274 USNC-Tech 4 Nuclear NTP LH2; NH3 - 900.00 110,000.00 440.00 0.00 USA Seattle, WA Designing a new propulsion concept to facilitate rapid transportation to the Moon and Mars
275 Alamedia Applied Sciences 3 Electric Plasma Solid metal - 1,773.00 0.00 12.03 0.00 USA Oakland, CA Introducing MPT, a new class of electric propulsion
276 Aliena 3 Electric Hall Effect Xenon 1.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Singapore Singapore Providing ultra-low power electric propulsion systems for small satellite platforms
277 Arkadia Space 3 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant), Liquid (Monoprop) - 0.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 Spain Benlloch Developing and selling propulsion systems to enable mobility in space
278 Froberg Aerospace 3 Multi-Mode Electrospray, Liquid (Monoprop) Ionic liquid - 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Champaign, IL Developing paradigm shifting multi-mode propulsion systems for small satellites
279 Howe Industries 3 Other Plasma - - 5,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 USA Scottsdale, AZ Investigating a pulsed plasma rocket (PPR) system to enable fast transit to Mars
280 Hypernova 3 Electric Plasma Solid metal 0.4 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 South Africa Cape Town Building electric propulsion for small satellites
281 ienai Space 3 Electric Electrospray - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Spain Madrid Developing the Tailored Taylor thrusters
282 Intersetllar 3 Nuclear NTP LH2 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Huntsville, AL Developing advanced rocket engines for in-space vehicles
283 Manastu Space 3 Chemical Liquid (Monoprop) Hydrogen Peroxide - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 India Thane Developing green propulsion technologies
284 Miles Space 3 Electric Plasma Iodine, Water - 3,500.00 0.00 436.36 0.00 USA Tampa, FL Developing ConstantQ, an innovative hybrid electrostatic thruster
285 Miprons 3 Chemical - - - 350.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Italy Segni Developing the smalles, most powerful and versatile space propulsion system
286 Neumann Space 3 Electric Pulsed Cathodic Arc Various 1.4 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Australia Adelaide, South Australia Commercializing the revolutionary Neumann Thruster
287 NewRocket 3 Chemical Hybrid (Hypergolic) PowerGel 1 300.00 400.00 0.00 100.00 Israel Netanya Developing an engine for precision maneuverability and powerful performance in space
288 Prime Lightworks 3 Electric Other None 1.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Torrance, CA Engineering breakthrough electric propulsion systems for satellites
289 Princeton Satellite Systems 3 Nuclear Direct Nuclear - - 20,000.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 USA Plainsboro, NJ Developing the Direct Fusion Drive, a revolutionary direct-drive, fusion-powered rocket engine
290 Pulsar Fusion 3 Electric; Nuclear Direct Nuclear; Hall Effect Argon, Krypton - 3,000.00 0.30 60.00 0.00 United Kingdom Oxfordshire, England Developing the PLSR orbital satellite engine and direct fusion drive engine
291 Zenno Astronautics 3 Electric Other None 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 New Zealand Aukland Developing a paradigm shifting system for small satellite propulsion
292 AB 360 2 Multi-Mode Plasma, Liquid (Bi-Propellant) LOX + Methane - 0.00 80.00 800.00 0.00 USA Washington, D.C. Developing large satellite liquid-electric propulsion systems
293 Applied Ion Systems 2 Electric Electrospray; Plasma Teflon; Iodine - 4,500.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 USA Troy, NY Advancing the field of electric propulsion through a unique approach towards design, engineering, and accessibility
294 Helicity Space 2 Nuclear Direct Nuclear - 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Berkeley, CA Developing critical propulsion technology necessary to enable humanity's expansion into the solar system
295 Nimble Aerospace 2 Chemical Liquid (Monoprop) Hydrogen Peroxide - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Pleasanton, CA Developing propulsion solutions that offer previously inaccessible levels of maneuverability and operational flexibility
296 Phantom Space 2 Chemical; Electric Liquid (Monoprop); Plasma Solid metal - 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Tucson, AZ Developing in-space propulsion systems
297 Positron Dynamics 2 Other Antimatter - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Livermore, CA Creating a rocket engine based on positrons, the anti-electron particle
298 Reach Space Technologies 2 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) LOX + LH2 - 460.00 222,400.00 0.00 0.00 USA Seattle, WA Developing commercial in-space propulsion to power the New Space industry
299 Seran Systems 2 Electric Hall Effect - - 1,800.00 0.08 61.54 0.00 Italy Salerno Engaged in the development and implementation of electric propulsion systems for spacecraft
300 SPARC Industries 2 Electric Plasma Krypton - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Luxembourg Foetz Developing a novel plasma satellite thruster
301 Starwell 2 Electric Plasma Various - 4,000.00 0.01 21.62 0.00 Russia - Developing an electric propulsion solution for small satellite missions
302 Valiant Space 2 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant) - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Australia Brisbane, Queensland Developing propulsion technologies to propel the next generation of spacecraft to and from the surface of the Moon
303 Cannae 1 Electric Other None - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Philadelphia, PA Commercializing proprietary propulsion technology requiring no on-board propellant to generate thrust
304 Dark Fission Space Systems 1 Nuclear NTP - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA - Developing the first commercially available nuclear thermal rocket engine
305 Field Propulsion Technologies 1 Electric Other None - 0.00 0.15 75.00 0.00 USA Aurora, CO Developing the Scalar Drive, a propellant-less thruster for spacecraft
306 Hbar Technologies 1 Other Antimatter - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA West Chicago, IL Researching a deep-space propulsion system for scientific missions to the edge of the solar system and beyond
307 InterCosmos 1 Chemical - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 India Chennai, Tamil Nadu Engineering highly efficient and non-toxic propulsion systems
308 Quantum Dynamics 1 Electric Other None - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 USA Alpharetta, GA Developing the Centrifugal Impulse Drive (CID), an inertia impulse propulsion engine
309 Space T Tech 1 Electric - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 United Kingdom Rainham, England Developing a new electric propulsion system for satellites, spacecraft, and space drones
310 VRD Space 1 Electric Other None - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ukraine Dnipro Developing a propulsion systems that harnesses the cosmic vacuum
311 Dirac Drives 0 Other Antimatter - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 United Kingdom Cambridge, England Harnessing the power of negative mass to create propulsion without propellant
232 Moog 9 Chemical Liquid (Bi-Propellant); Liquid (Monoprop) Hydrazine Public 234.00 445.00 0.00 278.13 USA Elma, NY Offering a wide range of chemical thrusters for several spacecraft applications
228 QinetiQ 9 Electric Gridded Ion Xenon Public 4,000.00 0.25 0.00 0.02 United Kingdom Farnborough, England Offering low cost and high powered electric propulsion systems
234 Safran 9 Electric Hall Effect Xenon Public 1,660.00 0.09 60.00 0.02 France Paris Developing a wide range of electric thrusters and propulsion systems for space probes and satellites
231 SITAEL 9 Electric Arcjet; FEEP; Hall Effect; Resistojet Argon; Krypton; Xenon - 2,850.00 0.35 46.67 0.00 Italy Mola di Bari Developing electric propulsion systems based on innovative proprietary technologies
227 VACCO 9 Chemical Liquid (Monoprop) Various - 214.00 3.97 79,400.00 0.27 USA El Monte, CA Providing a variety of high-performance cold gas, warm gas and green monopropellant CubeSat propulsion systems
Company SFR Category Technology Propellant Funding ($M) ISP (s) Thrust (N) T:P Ratio (mN/kW) Specific Thrust (N/kg) Country HQ Location Description

SpaceFund Reality (SFR) Rating

Space < > Space Transportation Database

 Last Update: 12 October 2022 

Spacecraft and Deployment

wdt_ID Company SFR Propulsion Type Tech Type Application Funding ($M) Delta-V (m/s) Power (kW) Payload (kg) Country HQ Location Description
47 Airbus 9 Chemical; Electric Exploration Deep Space Public - - - Spain Madrid Developing technology to provide transportation to planets, moons and comets
48 Lockheed Martin 9 Chemical Crew Capsule Moon, Deep Space Public - 11.2 - USA Littleton, CO Developing the Orion spaecraft to take humans deep into space
49 NanoRacks 9 - Deployment Earth Orbit - - - 90 USA Webster, TX Deploying cubesats and microsats into Low-Earth Orbit
50 Northrop Grumman 9 Chemical Cargo Earth Orbit Public - 4 3,000 USA Falls Church, VA Operating the Cygnus spacecraft to carry crew supplies, spare equipment and scientific experiments to the space station
51 Rocket Lab 9 Chemical Exploration; OTV Earth Orbit, Moon, Deep Space Public 3,200 0.25 20 USA Long Beach, CA Using the Photon family of spacecraft to offer unique mission capabilities
52 Spaceflight 9 Chemical; Electric OTV Earth Orbit Public 2,500 0.5 250 USA Seattle, WA Providing a complete in-space transportation service via the Sherpa Program
53 SpaceX 9 Chemical Cargo; Crew Capsule Earth Orbit - - 4 6,000 USA Hawthorne, CA Sending humans and cargo into space with Dragon
54 Boeing 8 Chemical Crew Capsule Earth Orbit Public - - - USA Titusville, FL Developing the Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 Starliner spacecraft
55 D-Orbit 8 - Deployment; OTV Earth Orbit 27.8 - - - Italy Fino Mornasco Offering a unique deployment service to place satellites into precise, independent orbital slots
56 Bradford 7 Chemical Exploration; OTV Earth Orbit, Deep Space - - 0.65 300 Netherlands Heerle Developing Square Rocket, a rideshare-compatible spacecraft for space-to-space transport
57 Exolaunch 7 Chemical; Electric Deployment; OTV Earth Orbit - - - - Germany Berlin Transporting satellites to custom orbits in an environmentally responsible way
58 Moog 7 Electric OTV Earth Orbit Public 6,000 40 5,000 USA East Aurora, NY Building a family of Orbital Maneuvering Vehicles (OMV)
59 Launcher 6 Chemical OTV Earth Orbit 14.9 500 - 400 USA Hawthorne, CA Developing the Orbiter universal orbital transfer vehicle and satellite platform
60 Atomos 5 Electric Tug Earth Orbit 5.88 - - - USA Denver, CO Deploying reusable space tugs with ubiquitous rendezvous operations
61 Exotrail 5 Electric OTV Earth Orbit 20.11 - - - France Massy Providing last-mile services for 10 or more nanosatellites
62 Firefly Aerospace 5 Electric OTV Earth Orbit 98.16 - 2 600 USA Cedar Park, TX Developing the Space Utility Vehicle to satisfy a wide variety of mission architectures
63 Momentus 5 Checmical OTV Earth Orbit Public 2,000 1 750 USA Santa Clara, CA Offering last-mile in-space delivery
64 Xplore 5 Electric Exploration Earth Orbit, Moon, Deep Space - 3,500 1.1 70 USA Seattle, WA Offering space exploration beyond Earth orbit as a service
65 Skyrora 4 Chemical OTV Earth Orbit 4.85 - - - United Kingdom Edinburgh, Scotland Deploying multiple payloads into their chosen orbits from the same launch
66 Starfish Space 4 - Tug Earth Orbit 7.5 - - - USA Kent, WA Developing the Otter space tug to provide in-space transportation services
67 Bellatrix Aerospace 3 Electric OTV Earth Orbit 3 - - - India Bangalore Developing a vehicle for in-space transportation services
68 Epic Aerospace 3 Chemical Tug Earth Orbit 0.15 100 - 150 USA San Francisco, CA Developing inexpensive space tugs to enable a space-transportation network
69 Lúnasa Space 3 - OTV Earth Orbit - - - 220 United Kingdom London, England Developing VIA, a highly cost-effective and reliable Orbital Transfer Vehicle
70 Space Machines Company 3 Chemical; Electric Exploration; OTV Earth Orbit, Moon, Deep Space - - - 500 Australia Adelaide, South Australia Offering in-space transportation services that scale with customer mission objectives
71 The Exploration Company 3 Chemical Cargo; Crew Capsule Earth Orbit, Moon - - - - Germany Gilching Developing a modular and reusable orbital vehicle that can eventually be refuelled in orbit
72 UARX 3 Chemical; Electric Deployment; OTV Earth Orbit, Moon, Deep Space - - - 400 Spain Nigrán Developing in-space transportation services from LEO, to the Moon, and beyond
73 Plasmos 2 Hybrid Tug Earth Orbit - - - 1,600 USA Boulder, CO Developing the SpaceTruck tug to move payloads from LEO to MEO/GEO
74 Turion Space 2 Electric Tug Earth Orbit - - - - USA Irvine, CA Providing last-mile orbit delivery using a reusable tug platform
75 Cislunar Space Development Company 1 - Tug Earth Orbit, Moon - - - 3,000 USA Annandale, VA Developing reusable & refuelable space tugs to move satellites, cargo, and fuel
Company SFR Propulsion Type Tech Type Application Funding ($M) Delta-V (m/s) Power (kW) Payload (kg) Country HQ Location Description

SpaceFund Sectors of Interest

SpaceFund is interested in a number of sectors of the space economy, specifically Transportation, Communication, Human Factors, Supplies, and Energy. In the coming months we will post SFR ratings for companies from all of these sectors, providing a robust overview of the state of frontier-enabling companies across the industry. Please check back frequently to view new sub-sector databases, and sign up to receive our emails to be notified of each new release.

Click on the black buttons below to view the available SFR databases.

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