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SpaceFund Blog
One Customer Does Not a Business Make

One Customer Does Not a Business Make

This saying is traditionally credited to Aristotle but is likely a much older proverb. The main idea is that a single event does not guarantee an outcome. In the space industry, we often see companies utilizing government grants, partnerships, or indications of interest to prove that a market exists or that a company will be profitable. This is a logical fallacy. One customer does not a business make.

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Tyranny of the VC Equation

Tyranny of the VC Equation

There are many great startup companies that may generate significant returns, but most of them don’t pass the difficult threshold of being VC investable because their return profile doesn’t close the “VC equation.”

Learn more about the Tyranny of the VC Equation to understand how investors assess your business and your porfit potential.

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2025 Expectations

2025 Expectations

The space industry is gaining more momentum now than at any time in human history. Due to technological improvements, increased government space budgets, and a changing regulatory environment, we expect this trend to accelerate in 2025. We’ve collated some of our predictions for this coming solar orbit. While no one can predict the future, we do expect great things this year!

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The Space Industry is Uncorrelated to Other Investment Opportunities

The Space Industry is Uncorrelated to Other Investment Opportunities

SpaceFund presents new research that shows the space industry is weakly correlated to eight tested market indices and alternative investment asset classes. This lack of correlation, coupled with the industry’s consistent growth could offer valuable diversification and hedging opportunities for investors.

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Don’t Start a Launch Company: Other Space Sectors Need Innovation

Don’t Start a Launch Company: Other Space Sectors Need Innovation

What are the Blue Ocean strategies in space? Where are the biggest profits yet to be made? Where is the highest growth potential? What markets are being underserved? What emerging markets aren’t being served at all? These are the questions that will lead you to own your highly profitable Blue Ocean strategy.

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Entrepreneurs: Your Deck Isn’t About the Pitch; it’s About Due Diligence

Entrepreneurs: Your Deck Isn’t About the Pitch; it’s About Due Diligence

Few founders realize the importance of their ‘pitch’ deck and its actual intended purpose. News flash! By the time an investor reads your deck, they’ve already been pitched – either through your intro email, on a phone call from a co-investor, or in a presentation you did that prompted the investor to give you a business card. The ‘pitch’ deck should more appropriately be called a ‘deal deck’ and is not about the pitch. It’s actually about due diligence.

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Why We’re Not on the Moon

Why We’re Not on the Moon

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first humans to walk on the Moon, you might notice we aren’t celebrating it on the Moon. Why? Having achieved the greatest feat in human history, why is all we have to show for it flags, footprints, and footage?

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SpaceFund Venture Capital

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